Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blog Names: Going Beyond the Obvious

There's no doubt about it, names are an important fact of life.  People spend a lot of time picking out just the right name whether it's a new product, a title for a piece of writing, or even a pet.  It makes sense since names can have symbolic meaning and emotional connections.  Not only that, names can be an opportunity to be creative and come up with something that has you written all over it.

While there are lots of sites and generators online that can help you come up with a blog name, here are the basic tips to help you begin brainstorming:

  • Make it unique
  • Have it represent you
  • Use alliteration
  • Think of a symbolic object
  • Play with language
  • Make it catchy

With these tips in mind, I came up with my classroom blog title, Mr. Riley's Reflecting Pool.

Now before you roll your eyes, let me explain.  Back when I was in Middle School, I went to Washington DC with my family to visit our national treasures, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Museum and more.  Throughout all our visits and excursions, there was one image that lasted in my mind. When I stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, I looked back toward the Washington Monument and marvelled at the mirror image of it in the Reflecting Pool.  

I was reminded of this image when I started blogging because this is exactly what I wanted my blog to do.  Through my posts, I wanted to project reflections of my thinking in meaningful ways just like a reflecting pool.  I also hoped that my reflections cause my readers to stop and think as well.  Not only that, I'm a sucker for alliteration when it comes to titles.

So how about you?  What objects or ideas can you think of?  How can you play with language to make your blog title come to life?

Naming your Blog
How to Name Your Blog
Blog Name Generator

Image from:


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