Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog Gadgets: The Funny Things on the Side

Let's face it.  Who doesn't love gadgets?  These small mechanical tools with their rotating gears, clicking levers, or flashing buttons amaze us with their ability to complete the most mundane tasks.  It's no wonder that Blogger chose to use this word (as opposed to "widget") to depict the "funny things on the side" that we can add to our blog to make it even more personalized.

The problem is some bloggers, especially students, add too many gadgets.   From hungry fish to daily horoscopes, gadgets often distract rather than enhance a blogger's voice.  Here are some tried and true tips on how best to use gadgets.

  • Give them a Gadget Grace Period.  Why not give them a month to include whatever gadgets they like?  They are pretty cool after all.
  • After the Grace Period, have a discussion about which gadgets enhance their blog instead of distracting readers.
  • Allow them a limited number (i.e. one) of "cool" gadgets.  After all a creepy spider can still say a lot about the blogger.
  • Still think about matching colors to your overall color scheme.
  • Take a tour of other blogs to see how other bloggers use gadgets.
  • Begin with the preset Gadgets in Blogger.
  • As a follow up activity, have students reflect on which gadgets they chose to include and explain why.

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